The Influence of BOPO and FDR on the Profitability Return on Asset (ROA) Bank Bukopin Syariah
Pengaruh BOPO dan FDR terhadap Profitabilitas ROA Bank Bukopin Syariah
BOPO Ratio, Financing to Deposit Ratio, Return On AssetAbstract
This research aims to find out how much influence operational expenses, Operational Income (BOPO) and Financing To Deposit Ratio (FDR) have on the profitability of Return on Assets (ROA) at Bank Bukopin Syariah for the 2013-2022 period, either partially or simultaneously. This research uses quantitative methods with the sample population used is purpose sampling and uses multiple linear regression data analysis techniques using IBM SPSS 22 software data processing. The results of the research can show that BOPO has an effect on ROA profitability with a calculated t value < t table ( - 2.749 < 1.980 ) with a sig value (0.007 > α 0.005) while for FDR there is no influence on ROA with a tcount < ttable ( 0.622 < 1.980) with a sig value ( 0.535) > α (0.05).
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