Science Misconceptions in Class VII Earth Layers Material at SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Boarding School
Miskonsepsi IPA Pada Materi Lapisan Bumi Kelas VII di SMP Muhammadiyah 9 Boarding School
Misconceptions, Junior High School Science Education, Earth LayerAbstract
The demands of education for students in each year are always different. The number of concepts that must be understood makes students often experience misconceptions about a science. This study aims to see misconceptions in science material at SMP Muhammadiyah 9. The research method used is survey research. The instruments in this study were questionnaires and observation sheets. The instrument testing technique used in this study was the Three-Tier Multiple Choice Diagnostic Test. The study found that misconceptions occurred in all subchapters in the questionnaire submitted. The highest percentage of misconceptions in men occurred in the subchapter explaining elements in the atmosphere, which was 65.9%, while the highest percentage of misconceptions in women occurred in the subchapter explaining temperature in the mesosphere layer and explaining the ozone layer atmosphere with a percentage of 74.2%.
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