Busuu Application: Does It Improve Students' Listening Skills in Junior High School?
Aplikasi Busuu: Apakah Itu Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mendengarkan Siswa di Sekolah Menengah Pertama?
Busuu Application, Listening Skills, Junior High SchoolAbstract
This study aims to assess the impact of the Busuu application on students' listening skills. It employs one-group pre-experimental quantitative approach with pre-test and post-test design. The research specifically targets eighth-grade students at MTs Anwarul Maliki and was conducted in three stages: pretest, treatment, and posttest. The findings reveal a significant improvement in the listening skills of students in class VIII B before and after the Busuu application treatment. The application proved to be more effective than traditional methods, enhancing the practicality and effectiveness of listening learning. Data analysis results demonstrated an increase in students' average pre-test scores from 34,44 to 64,44 from average post-test scores with the use of the Busuu application, making the process of learning listening skills easier and more practical. The results of this study can provide evidence to readers that the use of Busuu can influence the English listening skills of junior high school students.
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