Primary School Students' Errors in Solving Mathematical Literacy Problems Based on Newman Analysis
Kesalahan Siswa Sekolah Dasar dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Literasi Matematik Berdasarkan Newman Analisis
Mathematical Literacy Problems, Student Error, Newman AnalysisAbstract
Previous studies still showed that primary school students struggle to solve mathematical literacy problems. Newman error analysis (NEA) can be used to analyze the forms of errors primary school students make when solving problems. This study aims to analyze the forms of primary school students' errors in solving mathematical literacy problems using NEA. The type of research used is qualitative, with the research subjects being 35 students in the fifth grade of primary school. Data collection techniques using tests, interviews, and documentation. The forms of errors are emphasized in NEA categories, namely reading, comprehension, transformation, process skills, and encoding. The results showed that primary school students solving mathematical literacy problems make comprehension, transformation, and encoding mistakes. These errors are caused by students being unable to understand the problem, not being able to use formulas and calculation operations, and being careless in solving literacy problems.
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