Elementary School Students' Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge in Solving Fraction Problems
Pengetahuan Konseptual dan Prosedural Siswa Sekolah Dasar dalam Memecahkan Masalah Pecahan
Concepts, Procedures, FractionsAbstract
Conceptual and procedural knowledge is fundamental for students to comprehensively understand and solve fraction problems. However, empirical studies indicate that elementary school students still do not have adequate conceptual and procedural knowledge in solving fraction problems. This study aimed to analyze the forms of conceptual and procedural knowledge of elementary school students in solving fraction problems. This study used qualitative methods involving 86 elementary school student participants. The data analysis used was descriptive analysis with data collection methods using tests, interviews, and documentation. Empirical research showed that students can successfully use conceptual and procedural knowledge of fractions in certain forms. There are three forms of conceptual knowledge of fractions and four forms of procedural knowledge of fractions. The results of this study have implications for educators or academics to emphasize learning by integrating forms of conceptual and procedural knowledge so that students avoid failure in solving fraction problems.
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