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Elementary School Students’ Layers of Understanding in Solving Literacy Problems Based on Sidoarjo Context

Lapisan Pemahaman Siswa Sekolah Dasar dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Literasi Berdasarkan Konteks Sidoarjo




Pirie-Kieren Theory, Math Literacy, Layers of Understanding, Sidoarjo Context


Elementary school students' difficulties in solving literacy problems are caused by students' lack of understanding of mathematical concepts. Using a specific regional context in literacy problems is important to analyze layers of understanding elementary school more deeply. Based on Pirie-Kieren theory, the study aims to analyze layers of understanding elementary school students in solving literacy problems in the context of Sidoarjo.  A qualitative approach with a case study type was used as the research method. The research participants were 26 fifth-grade elementary school students. The determination of the research subjects was done by purposive technique.  The results show that the layers of understanding of elementary school students are at the highest, namely observing.  Future research recommendations suggested using the regional context as a background for literacy problems in learning or problem-solving; this is needed to explore and develop layers of understanding to a higher level.




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