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Implementation of Six Sigma and Kaizen to Improve the Quality of Health Plaster Products in the Coating Process

Implementasi Six Sigma dan Kaizen untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Produk Plester Kesehatan pada Proses Pelapisan




Six Sigma, DMAIC, Kaizen, Quality Control


Product quality control must be carried out to maintain product quality from the beginning of the process to the end of the process. Problems found at PT FGH are product defects in the health plaster coating process. This study aims to measure the value of product defects using the six sigma method, measure the level of product defects using the sigma level with the conversion of DPMO values and develop recommendations for proposals and improvement plan strategies using the 5S kaizen implementation. The results showed that the DPMO value was 7,039.4959 units with a sigma value of 3.96. While the process capability values Cp and Cpk are equal to 1.00, meaning that the production capability process runs well and has the same value as the specification limit but needs close supervision. From this problem, the company suffered a loss of Rp. 340,524,744 during the period December 2022 - November 2023.


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