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The Role of Teamwork, Discipline, and Leadership in Enhancing Employee Work Productivity: Outsourcing Furniture at PT. Dynasti Indomegah

Peran Kerjasama Tim, Kedisiplinan, dan Kepemimpinan terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Outsourcing Furnitur di PT. Dynasti Indomegah




Teamwork, Discipline, Leadership, Productivity


This study aims to determine the role of teamwork, discipline, leadership on work productivity. This study uses a quantitative approach as a research method. The population of this study consisted of all employees of PT. Indomegah Dynasti, which numbered around 57 people. This study involved a sample of 50 employees who were selected thoroughly using saturated sampling. The data used in this study consisted of primary data, which was obtained through distributing questionnaires to respondents. Quantitative data analysis techniques using statistical methods were used to analyze the data. The statistical method used is IBM SPSS 23. Based on the results of the study, it was found that teamwork, discipline, leadership have a significant role in the work productivity of PT. Indomegah dynasty.


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Munadjat Baliyah, Ading Sunarto, Putri Ni

