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Stability of Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Peel Betacyanin Extract Extracted Using the Water Bath Assisted Solvent Extraction Method

Kestabilan Ekstrak Betasianin Kulit Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) yang Diekstrak Menggunakan Metode Water Bath Assisted Solvent Extraction




red dragon fruit skin, betacyanin, extraction


This research aims to determine the effect of solvent type and extraction temperature. The method used in this research is a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with 2 factors, namely the first factor, namely type and the second factor, namely extraction temperature. So we got 9 treatment combinations, each treatment was repeated 3 times to get 27 experimental units. Analysis of temperature, pH and light stability data using paired T test data analysis, in temperature stability of betacyanin levels stored in refrigerators and incubators there was no significant change in betacyanin. There was a significant change in pH 5 stability, whereas at pH 7 stability there was no significant change in betacyanin levels. There was a significant change in the light stability of the betacyanin levels stored in the refrigerator, while in those stored in the incubator there was no significant change in the betacyanin levels of red dragon fruit peel.


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