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The Relation Between Student Engangement with Academic Stress in Elementary School Student of SDN Wonoplintahan 2 Prambon

Hubungan Student Engagement dengan Stres Akademik pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar di SDN Wonoplintahan 2 Prambon




Student Stress, School Students, Student Engangement


This research aims to describe the relationship between student engagement and academic stress. This study uses a quantitative correlational research method, with a population of students from SDN Wonoplintahan 2 Prambon in grades IV, V, and VI. The total population consists of 235 students, and the sample size was determined using the KrejcieMorgan table, resulting in a sample size of 144. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling. The measurement tools used in this study were adopted from previous research with a reliability value of 0.821 for student engagement and 0.900 for academic stress. Data analysis for this research used the Pearson correlation product-moment test. The results of the data analysis show that student engagement and academic stress have a negative relationship (r = 0.334, sig < .001). This indicates that the higher the level of student engagement, the lower the level of academic stress they experience



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