The Effect of Starter Concentration on the Quality of Fruit Yoghurt
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Starter Terhadap Kualias Yogurt Buah
Yoghurt, Fruit Yoghurt, Addiction Of Starter ConcentrationAbstract
This research aims to determine the effect of adding the starter concentration of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and Streptococcus Thermophillus on the quality of fruit yogurt. Using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with a single factor of 7 treatments which were repeated 4 times to get 28 experimental units. Data analysis was carried out using ANOVA and further tests using the Honest Significant Difference test at the 5% level. The research results showed a real influence on pH analysis, color profile (lightness), organoleptic on texture. The best treatment for fruit yogurt is (B7) with the addition of a starter concentration of 9% which shows of reducing sugar (32.39%), total soluble solids (18.00 °Brix), total acid (23.44%), pH (5 .01), lightness value (87.09), redness value (-0.16), yellowness value (4.38), viscosity (95.80 mPas), BAL 3.0 x 10^3 CFU/ml, color organoleptic (4.07) usually like, aroma organoleptic test (4.05) like, texture organoleptic test (3.78) usually like.
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