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Knowledge about menstruation with menarche readiness in elementary school

Pengetahuan tentang menstruasi dengan kesiapan menghadapi menarche di sekolah dasar




Menstrual Knowledge, Menarche Readiness


Menarche is the first menstrual cycle for women, unpreparedness to face menarche will have an impact on increasing the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs), physical problems, namely lack of personal hygiene, cessation of menstruation and menstrual disorders. This is supported by the adolescent's lack of knowledge about menarche. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and readiness of young women regarding menarche at SDN Ngembe 1 Beji in 2023. This research method used a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used was total sampling with a total sample of 30 students who met the inclusion criteria, namely class VI students who had not yet menarche and were willing to fill out questionnaires for research. The results of the study obtained a p-value of 0.636. From the results of the study, it was found that knowledge about menstruation was not related to readiness to face menarche. 


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