Quality Improvement Using Lean Six Sigma and Failure Modes and Effect Analysis at PT. Cipta Warna Pelangi
Peningkatan Kualitas dengan Metode Lean Six Sigma dan Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) pada PT. Cipta Warna Pelangi
Lean Six Sigma, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Product Defects, Waste, PrintingAbstract
In the first quarter of 2023, PT. Cipta Warna Pelangi faced escalating defects, totaling 321,175 in January, February, and March, and soaring to 499,005 in the subsequent three months. This worrisome trend calls for immediate corrective action. The study employs the lean six sigma approach to address these issues. Combining Lean's waste reduction with Six Sigma's defect reduction, this method aims to enhance product value. Furthermore, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) identifies critical areas to focus on. Notably, offset, spot UV, and die-cut products suffer the most defects. Waste defects are the primary concern, as revealed by the research, warranting prioritized improvement efforts. FMEA highlights varnish damage, attributed to inconsistent UV liquid quality, as a significant risk with an RPN value of 252. Thus, switching to a more reliable UV liquid brand is recommended for sustainable improvement.
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