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Relationship between Religiosity and Psychological Well-Being in Students of SMP Unggulan Al-Falah Siwalanpanji

Hubungan antara Religiusitas dengan Psychological Well-Being pada Siswa SMP Unggulan Al-Falah Siwalanpanji




Religiosity, Psychological Well Being, students


The research was conducted to find out the correlation between religiosity and psychological well-being in students of SMP Unggulan Al-Falah Siwalanpanji. This research method is the quantitative correlation with random sampling as a sample selection technique. The research population was 218 students and the sample taken was 135 respondents. Data collection techniques use a psychological scale with a Likert scale model. The data analysis technique used is the product-moment correlation technique assisted by SPSS 21.0. The results of data analysis and data processing obtained show the value of rxy = 0.454** with sig. 0.000, then the hypothesis proposed by the researcher is accepted. This means that there is a positive relationship between religiosity and psychological well-being in Al-Falah Siwalanpanji Junior High School students. The conclusion from this study is that students with high religiosity tend to have high psychological well-being and students with low religiosity have low psychological well-being.


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