Level of Service Quality and Loyalty of Gojek Customers in Sidoarjo by Integrating the QFD and CLI Methods
Tingkat Kualitas Layanan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Gojek di Sidoarjo dengan Mengintegrasikan Metode QFD dan CLI
Customer Loyalty Index, Customer Satisfaction, Quality of Service, Quality Function DeploymentAbstract
Gojek is an online-based delivery service provider facility. The more services provided, the complaints experienced by customers will increase. The method to be applied for measuring service quality is using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Customer Loyalty Index (CLI) methods. The results obtained from measuring the value of service quality using the two methods found that the overall customer satisfaction value was 3.11 which indicated that the customer was currently satisfied with the service provided, then from the percentage value it was found that the total percentage of the statements given as a whole was 79%. which indicates that customers are currently loyal to the company. Apart from that, the priority improvements that must be immediately handled by the company include operational time, control of routes, and complaint facilities. It is intended that customer satisfaction and loyalty to the company can be maintained and increased.
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