The Application Of Goal Setting To Increase Self Confidence In SMK Students : Experimental Approach Non Randomized Control Trial
Penerapan Goal Setting untuk Meningkatkat Kepercayaan Diri pada Siswa SMK : Pendekatan Eksperimen Non Randomized Control Trial
Goal Setting, Self ConfidanceAbstract
Confidence is the main key for students to be able to find themselves when they are in the school environment and in the social environment, besides that they are also able to develop their talents, interests and potential. This study aims to determine the effect of goal setting training to increase self-confidence in students. The subjects studied were students of Yapalis Krian Vocational School, totaling 82 students. The data collection technique uses the self-confidence adoption scale from (Pertiwi & Ansyah, 2021). The research design used the Non Randomized Control Trial Experiment. The collected data were analyzed using the Independent sample t-test and paired sample t tests. The results showed that there were differences in the level of self-confidence of students in the experimental group and the control group before and after goal setting training
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