The Students’ Perceptions on Learning Media to Teach in Descriptive Text
Persepsi Siswa tentang Media Pembelajaran untuk Mengajar Teks Deskriptif
Students’ Perception, Animation Film, Writing Skill, Descriptive Text, Junior High SchoolAbstract
The purpose of this research is so that students can learn not only with the lecture method. The researchers doing the study used both qualitative and quantitative methods. The information for this study was gathered through surveys, interviews, figuring out how people rated things on a Likert scale, and analyzing the themes that came up. The people who were studied were seventh graders. 50 students filled out the form, and 10 students were chosen at random to be interviewed. Coding analysis showed that using cartoon films as a learning tool for students is interesting, memorable, easy to understand, effective, and efficient. Researchers found a common theme, which was interest in science, interest in learning, and wonder. The results of this study should make it easier for students to write what they want to say and help them find new ways to make learning more fun.
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