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The Effect of Math Anxiety on Students' Mathematics Performance with the Mediating Role of Math Self-Efficacy

Pengaruh Kecemasan Matematika terhadap Performa Matematika Siswa dengan Peran Mediasi Efikasi Diri Matematika




Math Anxiety, Math Self-Efficacy, Mathematics Performace


The mathematics performance of Indonesian students is low. Many factors affect students' mathematics performance, including math anxiety and math self-efficacy. This study was conducted to determine whether there is a mediating role of math self-efficacy on the effect between math anxiety and math performance. This is a quantitative research with a mediated path analysis model. The subjects were 236 students who were taken using a proportionate stratified random sampling technique. To measure math anxiety and math self-efficacy, each used adaptations of the Scale for Assessing Math Anxiety in Secondary School (SAMAS) and Alat Ukur Efikasi Matematika Indonesia (AUKEMI). And the original score of the final semester exam to measure mathematics performance. The results showed (1) there is no direct effect between math anxiety and mathematics performance; (2) math self-efficacy fully mediates the effect between math anxiety and mathematics performance; (3) math anxiety has a negative effect on math self-efficacy.


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