Analysis of the Risk of Delay in the Implementation of the Tram Mover Rail Improvement Project at TMII Using the RBS, ANP, and Bow Tie Analysis
Analisis Risiko Keterlambatan Proyek Pelaksanaan Perbaikan Jalur Rel Trem Mover di TMII Menggunakan Metode RBS, ANP, dan Bow Tie Analysis
RBS, ANP, Bow Tie AnalysisAbstract
Project work delays often occur due to problems that arise, causing the level of risk of project failure. The project taken is the Mover Tram rail line repair project at TMII. The project progress until October 2022 is 90% and when compared to the planned contract schedule, which is 100%, it is known that there is a project delay deviation of 10%. The research method used is RBS, ANP, and Bow Tie Analysis. The purpose of this study is to determine the risks that arise due to project delays. The results of this study are from the RBS method there are 15 risk variables from 5 risk groups. ANP analysis shows that construction management risk is the risk group with the highest priority, namely 0.34813 . The most dominant risk with the highest limit value is unable to complete technical work on time with a limit value of 0.19949.
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