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The Effect of Drying Tempeature and Various Blanching Methods on the Quality of Cassava Leaf Flour (Manihot esculenta C)

Pengaruh Temperatur Pengeringan dan Berbagai Metode Blansing terhadap Mutu Tepung Daun Singkong (Manihot esculenta C)




Cassava leaf flour, Cassava Leaf Flour, Drying Temperature, Blanching


This study aims to the effect of drying temperature and various blanching methods on the quality of cassava leaf flour (Manihot esculenta C). In this study, a randomized block design (RBD) was used with two factor consisting of drying temperature (50°C, 55°C, 60°C) and various blanching methods (steam , hot water, and hot water with 1% salt). Data analysis was carried by ANOVA and BNJ 5%. The best treatment for cassava leaf flour was the temperature treatment of 60ᵒC and the steam blanching method (T3B2) which showed a moisture content of 7.27%, ash content of 7.95%, protein content of 14.68%, IC50 84.53 ppm, yield of 25.63 %, lightness value 56.76, redness value -2.90, yellowness value 19.43, color organoleptic value 2.9 (dark green-yellowish green), texture organoleptic value 3.9 (smooth-slightly smooth), value organoleptic aroma 3.0 (neutral).


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