The Effect of the Sudu Blade Rotor Blades on the Performance of Wind Turbines Using NACA 0021
Pengaruh Jumlah Sudu Rotor Blade terhadap Unjuk Kerja Wind Turbin dengan Menggunakan Blade NACA 0021
Blade Rotor, Wind Turbine Blade NACA 0021Abstract
Currently Indonesia is experiencing an increase in energy demand, which will experience an energy crisis and fossil fuel dependence, which will be a serious threat in the future. This is the first step in creating a hydroelectric power plant using the NACA0021 sheet. Data retrieval is done without using a load to find out the power generated by the wind turbine. then obtained the average value of the influence of the propeller on Current(Amps), Voltage(Volts), Turbine Power(Watts) and Efficiency. The effect of the number of rotor blade blades on wind turbine performance with the same number of 2, 3, and 4 with the same wind speed then, that the addition of rotor blade blades on wind turbine performance increases the current strength (Amps) and voltage (volts). And Wind turbines produce maximum turbine power using the influence of the number of blades rotor blades.
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