Does Mind Mapping Improve Students Reading Comprehension in English for Young Learners?
Apakah Mind Mapping Meningkatkan Pemahaman Membaca Siswa di Kelas Bahasa Inggris untuk Pelajar Muda?
Education, English Learning, Teaching Reading, Reading Comprehension, Mind MappingAbstract
Many students in Sidoarjo public schools, especially in elementary school, still have difficulty understanding what is read in class. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to find out whether the application of the Mind Mapping Technique can improve students' reading comprehension or not. This research was conducted at Temu 2 Prambon Elementary School grade VI The research design was pre-experimental with one group pretest and posttest design. Analyzed data using the Excel and SPSS 26 programs with the Shapiro Wilk and Man Whitney U normality tests because the data were not normal.The results of the study found that the average value of the post-test (T2) was higher (68.5) compared to the average pre-test (T1). This leads to the conclusion that the use of the mind map method in the teaching process can also help students overcome reading comprehension problems and simultaneously improve their reading comprehension.
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