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Student Perceptions of the Social Stigma of Women Smokers

Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Stigma Sosial Wanita Perokok




Student Perceptions, Social Stigma, Female Smokers, Reasons for Women Smoking


The phenomenon of women smoking has begun to emerge in the current era, which we can actually find, especially in metropolitan society. In Sidoarjo itself, smoking behavior in women is still considered taboo and creates a lot of social stigma. This is what the author pays special attention to because not all female smokers can be viewed negatively. The research method used is a qualitative method. The data source was selected by means of purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out using interview techniques and documentation. Data analysis technique used Data reduction can then be concluded. The research results show that: (1) produce 2 perceptions; Perceptions of the pros and cons which contain the reasons of the community in providing judgments and actions. (2) there are also two factors that influence student perceptions, namely; internal factors, as well as external factors. Which both depend on the perceptual process itself.


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