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Analysis of TikTok as a Media for Forming Children's Behavior

Analisis TikTok Sebagai Media Pembentuk Perilaku Anak




TikTok, Children, Behavior


This research uses a descriptive qualitative method using a phenomenological approach, this type of research uses qualitative with critical discourse analysis techniques. The data source determination technique used is Purposive Sampling with children of active TikTok users who have active accounts to date. Data collection techniques in this study using interviews and observation. The results of research on the content that children see are of various models and genres so that fast information in the TikTok application cannot stem children's curiosity for new things which results in various negatif and positive effects. Children as TikTok users are not required to watch without the assistance of their parents, so guidance, limits and appeals are needed for children so that fast information on TikTok social media does not make it easy for children to do the wrong things


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