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An Analysis of Code Switching as A Communication Tool In English Class

Analisa Code Switching sebagai Media Komunikasi di Kelas Bahasa Inggris




Code Switching, Types, Function, EFL Classroom


This research aims to ascertain the type of code switching employed during the learning process and the functions of code switching in English class during the learning process.However, code switching is one strategy that teachers may employ during classroom interaction to make it simpler for students to absorb the lessons being taught. This teaching environments can be achieved by switching between more than one  languages during a conversation. Observation and a semi-structured interview served as the data collection techniques for this qualitative study. During the learning process, the researcher discovered that tag- switching, inter-sentential, and intra-sentential code switching are all forms of code switching. In addition to the function that is provided, which is to clarify meaning and assess students' comprehension, The researcher believes through this research, teachers and educators will be able to comprehend the significance and benefits of code switching during the learning process, particularly in EFL classrooms.



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Author Biographies

Fachriza Alma Fauzia, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo



Dian Novita, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo




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