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The Influence of Marketing Mix and Instagram for the Purchase Intention of Lontang Lantung

Pengaruh Marketing Mix dan Instagram terhadap Minat Beli Minuman Lontang Lantung




Marketing Mix, Instagram, Consumer Purchase Intention


Pandemic Covid 19 had a significant impact on people’s social life, including entrepreneurs in the culinary field who have experienced a decline in sales of their products. This was also responded by the owner of Lontang Lantung drink, who uses an Instagram platform to market and maintain the existence of their product. The purpose of this study wa to find out how the influence of Marketing Mix and Instagram on intention to buy Lontang Lantung drinks. Used quantitative research methods. Data collections techniques using questionnaires, then data analysis techniques using multiple linear analysis techniques. The result of the research is that the Marketing Mix and Instagram variables have a partial or simultaneous effect on the variables purchase intention of Lontang Lantung.


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