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Effect of Applying Lamtoro Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Chinese Chicory (Brassica Pekinensia L.)

Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair Lamtoro Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi Putih (Brassica Pekinensia L.)




Chinese cabbage, POC, Lamboro


Chicory is a leaf vegetable that is in great demand by Indonesian consumers because it contains pro-vitamin A, ascorbic acid and high fiber. The purpose of this study was to determine the best concentration of lamtoro liquid organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of chicory plants. This research was conducted in Modong Village, Tulangan District, Sidoarjo Regency. Follow-up observations will be carried out at the Agrotechnology Study Program Laboratory. The study was conducted in October-December 2022. Data analysis used a non-factorial Randomized Group Design (RBD) with 7 treatments, namely P0: control, P1: 5ml/L, P2: 10ml/L, P3: 15 ml/L, P4: 20ml /L, P5: 25ml/L, P6: 30ml/L and repeated 3 times to obtain 21 experimental units and continued with the 5% BNJ test. Variables observed included plant height, number of leaves, root length, wet weight, dry weight and harvest index.


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Elsafiana, E. (Elsafiana), Mahfudz, M. (Mahfudz), & Wahyudi, I. (Imam). (2017). Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi Putih (Brassica Pekinensis L.) Terhadap Pemberian Berbagai Dosis Pupuk Kandang Sapi. Agrotekbis, 5(4), 250238.

Hasan, F., Nur, M. J., & Nayo, F. (2021). Aplikasi pupuk organik cair daun lamtoro (Leucaena leucophala (Lam. de Wit) on growth and yield of sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata sturt L.). Jurnal Agercolere, 3(2), 38–45.

Hidayat, O., & Suharyana, A. (2019). Pengaruh Dosis Pupuk Organik Cair Daun Lamtoro terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa l.) Varietas Nauli-F1. Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian, 7(2), 57.

Putri, A. M., & Respatijarti. (2019). Uji Daya Hasil Tanaman Sawi Putih (Brassica rapa L.Ssp. pekinensis) di Dataran Tinggi. Jurnal Produksi Tanaman, 7(3), 474–479.

Redi Setiawan, Prima Novia, B. B. (2021). the Effect of Concentration Lamtoro Liquid Organic. 5(2), 100–109

Elsafiana, E. (Elsafiana), Mahfudz, M. (Mahfudz), & Wahyudi, I. (Imam). (2017). Respon Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi Putih (Brassica Pekinensis L.) Terhadap Pemberian Berbagai Dosis Pupuk Kandang Sapi. Agrotekbis, 5(4), 250238.

Hasan, F., Nur, M. J., & Nayo, F. (2021). Aplikasi pupuk organik cair daun lamtoro (Leucaena leucophala (Lam. de Wit) on growth and yield of sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata sturt L.). Jurnal Agercolere, 3(2), 38–45.

Hidayat, O., & Suharyana, A. (2019). Pengaruh Dosis Pupuk Organik Cair Daun Lamtoro terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa l.) Varietas Nauli-F1. Paspalum: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian, 7(2), 57.

Putri, A. M., & Respatijarti. (2019). Uji Daya Hasil Tanaman Sawi Putih (Brassica rapa L.Ssp. pekinensis) di Dataran Tinggi. Jurnal Produksi Tanaman, 7(3), 474–479.

Redi Setiawan, Prima Novia, B. B. (2021). the Effect of Concentration Lamtoro Liquid Organic. 5(2), 100–109.

