Rattan Factory Relayout Using the Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) and Activity Relationship Diagram (ARD) Methods
Relayout Pabrik Rotan Menggunakan Metode Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) dan Activity Relationship Diagram (ARD)]
Furniture, Factory Layout, Activity Relationship Chart, Activity Relationship DiagramsAbstract
One of the manufacturing industries that produces furniture with rattan as the main raw material is CV. XYZ. However, there are problems faced by CV. XYZ, the problem is in the company's layout which is still inefficient. One example is in the raw material warehouse area located outside the factory so that workers have to leave the factory area first before entering the soaking area. The purpose of this study is to propose a more efficient factory layout, reduce the distance of goods to move, and reduce unproductive distances. In this study, the Activity Relationship Chart and Activity Relationship Diagram methods were used, by using these methods, the efficiency level of rattan factory layout increased to 30.27%. So that the distance in the movement of goods is reduced and unproductive time can be minimized.
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