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IoT-based Epever Tracer 1210 MPPT Monitoring System Using Modbus Communication Protocol

Sistem Monitoring MPPT Epever Tracer 1210 berbasis IoT Menggunakan Protokol Komunikasi Modbus




Solar energy, MPPT, IoT, Modbus protocol, Real time monitoring


This research explores the integration of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technology with the Internet of Things (IoT) and Modbus communication protocols in solar energy systems to enhance efficiency and enable real-time performance monitoring. The Epever Tracer 1210 MPPT optimizes energy absorption from solar panels, while IoT devices using ESP32 connect via Modbus. Data on current, voltage, power, and energy are analyzed in real-time using the Blynk app. Tests conducted in the morning, afternoon, and evening confirm minimal differences between data from the MPPT, measuring instruments, and Blynk. The integration of Modbus RTU with IoT enhances communication efficiency and security. IoT-based MPPT technology improves operational efficiency, power conversion, and remote real-time monitoring, enabling early fault detection and performance tracking. This integration ensures optimal energy absorption under various weather conditions, maximizing energy production and improving the reliability of solar energy systems.


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