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The Influence Of Metavoicing, Visible Presence, And Guidance Shopping Affordance On Purchasing Decision On Shopee Live Streaming

Pengaruh Metavoicing, Visible Presence, dan Guidance Shopping Afordance Terhadap Purchasing Decision Pada Shopee Live Streaming




Metavoicing, Visible Presence, Guidance Shopping Affordance, Purchasing Decisions


This research aims to analyze the influence of metavoicing, visible presence, and guided shopping affordance on purchasing decisions on the Shopee live streaming platform. Using quantitative methods with a purposive sampling approach, this research involved 96 Shopee user respondents who had shopped via the live streaming feature. Data was collected through questionnaires and using a Likert scale to measure respondents' attitudes and opinions. Data analysis was carried out using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) via SmartPLS 3.2.8 software to test the hypothesis. The research results show that metavoicing and visible presence do not have a significant effect on purchasing decisions even though both can increase engagement and shopping experience. In contrast, guided shopping affordance has a significant impact by helping consumers make faster and more informed decisions through clear shopping guides, relevant product recommendations, and easy-to-understand information.


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