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Application of the National Institute of Justice Method in Data Recovery on Flash Disk

Penerapan Metode National Institute of Justice Dalam Pemulihan Data Pada Flashdisk




Cybercrime, digital evidence, NIJ, digital forensics, flash drives, forensic tools, Cybercrime, Digital Evidence, NIJ, Digital Forensics, Flash Drives, Forensic Tools.


A flash drive is a portable storage device using flash memory for storing, transferring, and backing up data. Despite its practicality, it is prone to digital crimes such as data theft, unauthorized deletion, and misuse. Effective data recovery methods are crucial to address these threats. One commonly used approach in digital forensics is the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) method, which consists of preparation, collection, identification, examination, analysis, and reporting stages. This study assesses the NIJ method's effectiveness in recovering lost data from flash drives. Using FTK Imager, Autopsy, and WinMd5, files deleted via Shift + Delete and quick format were successfully restored. Although file names changed, extensions, sizes, and MD5 hash values matched the originals, confirming data integrity. The findings demonstrate that the NIJ method is effective for digital evidence recovery and analysis from flash drives.


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“1490-Article Text-2859-1-10-20190413”.

