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A Phenomenological Study on Description Psychological Well-Being Of Online Gambler Online Players in Sidoarjo

Studi Fenomenologi tentang Gambaran Psychological Well-being pada Pelaku Judi Online di Sidoarjo




PWB, Online Gambling, Psychologis


Psychological well-being is a sense of satisfaction. This article aims to understand the phenomenon occurring in society related to the depiction of psychological well-being among online gambling participants. This research uses a qualitative phenomenological method. This study involves three subjects determined through purposive sampling with consideration of several criteria. The data collection technique was conducted using semi-structured interviews. The analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This research ensures data validity by using the data triangulation method. The results reveal that each subject has a relatively low level of psychological well-being, as seen in the four main dimensions of self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, autonomy, and environmental mastery. On the contrary, their dimensions of life purpose and self-development are still relatively high. Be concluded that the psychological well-being of online gamblers is relatively low, even though the dimensions of life purpose and self-development are still quite high.



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