Build a Smart Piggy Bank System that Controls Microcontroller Based Electrical Networks
Bangun Sistem Celengan Pintar Pengendali Jaringan Listrik Berbasis Mikrokontroler
intelligent piggy bank, microcontroller, electricity management, savings, color sensorAbstract
This research develops an intelligent piggy bank system based on a microcontroller for managing electricity networks. The aim of this study is to design a system that encourages users to save consistently by converting the amount of money saved into electrical current, thus controlling electricity access based on the savings. The system uses an Arduino microcontroller, a TCS 34725 color sensor for detecting currency denominations, and a PZEM-004T sensor to measure voltage, current, and power consumption. The method involves constructing and testing the hardware and software of the system, followed by a series of functional and performance tests. Results show that the system is effective in detecting currency, converting saved money into electrical current, and managing electricity based on the savings. The system's response time is efficient, and the power remains connected when the savings exceed a set threshold.
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