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The Role of Public Relations Management in Building School Branding

Peran Manajemen Hubungan Masyarakat dalam Membangun Branding Sekolah




Public Relations Managemen, School Branding, Positive Image


This study examines the role of public relations (PR) management in building school branding at SMPIT Imam Bukhari. Using a qualitative case study approach, it explores how PR contributes to creating a positive image through effective communication, strengthening stakeholder relationships, and promoting flagship programs. The findings indicate that PR plays a strategic role in disseminating information, enhancing the school’s reputation, and increasing parent and community engagement. Supporting factors include solid internal collaboration, digital technology optimization, community involvement, and the unique identity of the school, such as the Tahfizh Al-Qur'an program. However, challenges such as the dominance of class teachers in communication and limitations in social media management remain to be addressed. This study provides theoretical and practical contributions regarding PR management strategies to improve the quality of education and the appeal of Islamic-based schools. 


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