Technology Integration in Pesantren Management in the Era of Society 5.0
Integrasi Teknologi dalam Menajemen Pesantren di Era Society 5.0
integration technology, pesantren management, Era Society 5.0, information systemAbstract
This research aims to explore the integration of technology into pesantren management in the Society 5.0 era and analyze the challenges and opportunities involved. Using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method, data were collected through systematic searches in databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus,, and ScienceDirect. The selection process involved stages of Identified Search, Screening, Eligibility, and Inclusion to ensure the relevance and quality of the sources. Data analysis was conducted descriptively with an evidence-based approach to evaluate the impact of technology on administrative efficiency, education quality enhancement, and financial management in pesantren. The results indicate that technology plays a crucial role in enabling more efficient, transparent, and structured pesantren management, despite challenges such as limited infrastructure, cultural resistance, and low digital literacy. In conclusion, technology integration can make pesantren more adaptive and progressive, preserving traditional values while competing globally.
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