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The Relationship Between Emotion Regulation and Academic Stress in Students of SMA

Hubungan Antara Regulasi Emosi dengan Stres Akademik pada Siswa SMA




Emotion Regulation, Academic stress, High school Student


The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of emotion regulation with academic stress. This research method is quantitative . The research sample amounted to 265 students based on the Isaac & Michael table with an error rate of 5%. Determination of the sample using accidental sampling technique. The variables in this study are emotion regulation and academic stress. Data collection in this study used two Likert scale model psychological preparation scales adopted from previous research. The hypothesis in this study is that there is a negative relationship between emotional regulation and academic stress. Data analysis in this study used Spearman Rho's Product Moment correlation statistical test. The results showed that (rxy = - 0.930, p = 0.000 <0.05) where the higher the emotion regulation, the lower the academic stress raised by students and vice versa.



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