Analysis of Work Posture Measuring and Cutting Fabric Using RULA and NERPA Methods in INTAKO Cooperation
Analisa Postur Kerja Pengukuran dan Pemotongan Kain Menggunakan Metode RULA dan NERPA di Koperasi INTAKO
Ergonomic, Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA)Abstract
The INTAKO Cooperation is one of the handicraft centers for making crafts made of leather and non-leather. The INTAKO cooperation also works on Instrument Case orders, in the process of working on it is still carried out manually and in its production activities, fabric measurement and cutting operators experience complaints of musculoskeletal disorder, thus causing a decrease in production productivity, in 1 month production can produce 150 Instrument Case products in the next production period experiencing a decrease in productivity to 100 – 120 Instrument Case. The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of measuring and cutting fabrics, where workers often experience mosculoskeletal disorders so that they are expected to be able to solve the problems experienced. This study uses the RULA and NERPA methods which are methods used in analyzing body posture when doing activities that cause the risk of mosculoskeletal disorders
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