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Tray Inventory Control In Considering Production Planning Using Fuzzy Logic Mamdani Method

Pengendalian Persediaan Tray Dalam Mempertimbangkan Perencanaan Produksi Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic Mamdani




Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Logic Mamdani, Inventory control


The importance of inventory control in maintaining the smooth operation of the company so that the company's targets can be achieved. tray companies experience problems of accumulation of goods up to 19% and high storage costs due to the uncertainty of unstable demand. This research aims to optimise inventory to prevent excess and shortage of stock so that potential losses can be minimised. The fuzzy mamdani method is used to overcome uncertainty in data and can make more accurate decisions. From the results of the calculation, the optimal inventory is 3282 compared to the initial inventory of 3788, while the number of requests is 3190. Although there is an error rate of 25.83575%, this result is categorised as quite good in determining the amount of inventory that matches demand, as well as achieving the company's goal of achieving plans and targets more efficiently.



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