Control of Steel Plate Raw Material Inventory Using Mamdani's Fuzzy Logic Method at Diffuser Companies
Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Plat Baja Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic Mamdani pada Perusahaan Diffuser
Inventory Control, Prediction, Fuzzy Logic MamdaniAbstract
In a production requires proper control of raw material inventory, to minimize the occurrence of overstock or outstock. At the diffuser company there is an overstock problem and results in high storage costs. The purpose of this study is to optimize the amount of diffuser raw material inventory against uncertain demand, thereby minimizing losses for the company. Mamdani fuzzy logic is used to process uncertain data and make decisions on the amount of raw material inventory. Identifying data by determining the required variables there are several stages, namely fuzzyfication, implication, and defuzzyfication. The results of the study project that with a production target of 353 diffusers and facing a demand of 198 diffusers, the original inventory of 419 steel plates can be optimized with the Mamdani fuzzy logic method to 344 steel plates. The MAPE calculation has an error value of 26.4971% and is included in the sufficient category.
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