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The Effect of Al-Qur'an Therapy Compilation and Shaping Behavior Modification to Reduce Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Type Washer at Griya Sehat AT TIN Surabaya

Pengaruh Kompilasi Terapi Al-Qur'an dan Shaping Modifikasi Perilaku untuk Menurunkan Gejala Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Type Washer di Griya Sehat AT TIN Surabaya




Compulsive Disorder Type Washer, Al-Quran Therapy, Shaping Technique, Behavior Modification


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by obsessions (unwanted and intrusive thoughts) and compulsions (behaviors performed to reduce anxiety or discomfort caused by obsessions) that interfere with an individual's daily life. Al-Qur'an therapy and behavior modification shaping are often used to treat this disorder. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of a compilation of Al-Qur'an Therapy and Behavioral Modification Shaping to reduce OCD Type Washer. The research method used is a quantitative single subject quasi-experiment (single subject experiment) with an interrupted time series design. This research uses the A-B-A method. So based on the results of data analysis within conditions and between conditions, it shows that Compilation of Al-Qur'an Therapy and Behavior Modification Shaping can reduce symptoms of OCDType Washer. And a compilation of these two therapeutic techniques can not only overcome anxiety, it can even change a person's habits and behavior for the better.



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