DOI of the published article
Development of Arabic Teaching Modules Based on Constructivism with a Communicative Approach
Pengembangan Modul Ajar Bahasa Arab Berbasis Konstruktivisme dengan Pendekatan Komunikatif
Arabic, Constructivism, Communicative, Teaching ModuleAbstract
As a tool that guides the learning process, the teaching module must contain all the essential components of teaching and learning stages oriented toward student progress. Continuously integrating collaborative and feedback-oriented language learning strategies into Arabic language instruction stimulates student interaction in the target language to improve learning quality. A constructivism-based Arabic teaching module with a communicative approach that is valid, effective, communicative, and contextual is developed for one of the Ministry of Religion of Indonesia's 2020 Arabic language resources for grade XI. 4D product creation of instructional modules is transformed into 3D. The created module satisfied expert validation criteria of being very feasible in substance (97.3), language (100), and medium (100). Material scored 88.5, presentation 89.8, and language 97.2 in the trial session. Therefore, the curriculum is practicable and useful for using Arabic and has been tailored to develop skills.
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