Design of a Bread Dough Mixer with a Dough Capacity of 3 kg
Perancangan Desain Alat Pengaduk Adonan Roti dengan Kapasitas Adonan 3 kg
Design, Mixer, Bread Dough, CapacityAbstract
Mixers are essential for efficient and effective production in the bakery industry, ensuring smooth processes and competitiveness. Their primary function is to prepare bread dough by perfectly mixing butter, eggs, thick batter, and other ingredients. This study aims to improve efficiency and practicality in dough preparation through the design method of a morphological chart. Concept B was selected for further development, including static load simulations on the frame with loads of 170 N, 200 N, and 370 N. The simulation results for a 370 N load show a maximum von Mises stress of 5.97 MPa and a minimum of 1.25×10⁻⁵ MPa, with a maximum displacement of 0.02459 mm and strain of 1.97×10⁻⁵. The safety factor ranges from 41.9 to 2×10⁷, indicating the frame's robustness. These findings support the proposed design's effectiveness in achieving the research objectives.
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