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Web - Based Food Sales Information System Using Agile Methods At Ampera Sari Minang Restaurant

Sistem Informasi Penjualan Makanan Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Agile Di Restoran Ampera Sari Minang




information system, food sales, Web-based, stock management


The development of this web-based food sales information system aims to improve operational efficiency and customer experience in the culinary business. This system integrates various main features including menu management, online ordering, stock management, sales reporting, and digital payment systems. The development methodology uses modern web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript for the frontend, and PHP or Python for the backend, with a MySQL database as data storage. The implementation results show that this system is able to significantly improve business processes by reducing transaction times, increasing data accuracy, and making information easier to access for users. The conclusion of this research is that this web-based food sales information system is effective in supporting culinary business operations and increasing customer satisfaction.


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