Analysis Of The Cylinder Overhaul Process In MPV Vehicles
Analisa Proses Overhaul Silinder Pada kendaraan MPV
Overhaul, Silinder, Multi Purpose VehicleAbstract
Multi Purpose Vehicles (MPV) are very popular because of their flexibility and capacity, often used for long distance travel, transporting goods, and carrying many passengers. Intensive use in various conditions makes maintenance such as cylinder overhauling important to maintain optimal performance. Engine overhaul is the process of dismantling the engine to be inspected and repaired if any components are damaged. This research aims to determine the process of cylinder overhauling on MPVs and make significant contribution to MPV vehicle maintenance practices. The methods used include vehicle inspection, cylinder and piston oversizing, and post-overhaul gas emission testing. The results show that the cylinder block, piston and piston ring end gaps which were previously unfit for use became viable after being oversized. Gas emission tests on vehicles that have been overhauled show results that meet standards, with a CO level of 0.05%, maximum HC of 25 ppm, and maximum CO2 of 14.7%.
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