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The Effect of Load on Simple Electric Bicycle Modifications on the Power Capability of Dry Accu and Wet Accu

Pengaruh Beban Pada Modifikasi Sepeda Listrik Sederhana Terhadap Kemampuan Daya Accu Kering dan Accu Basah




Electric Bike, Power, Dry Accu, Wet Accu


Bicycles a vehicle that has become means of transportation used by many people. Currently, motorbikes, cars and public transportation. This means of transportation utilizes power from petroleum fuel. Alternative fuel transportation means are means transportation that do not use petroleum fuel. Electric bicycle uses electricity propulsion. The research make efficient electric bicycle by testing power capability electric bicycle with variations load and distance traveled using dry battery and wet battery. The results testing using load of 60 kg drain more power on battery load of 50 kg because engine speed also greater. and longer distance traveled, more battery power used. The dry battery test results showed lowest result was 0.24 volts with time of 0.42 seconds and highest was 0.94 volts with time of 1.43 seconds and on wet batteries there lowest result of 0.37 volts time 0.44 seconds and highest 1.12 volts time 1.45 seconds.


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