Benefits of Core Stability Exercise to Reduce Pain and Increase Functional Ability of Myogenic Low Back Pain Patients at Siti Khodijah Hospital
Manfaat Pemberian Core Stability Exercise Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri dan Peningkatan Kemampuan Fungsional Pasien Low Back Pain Myogenic di Rumah Sakit Siti Khodijah
Core Stability Exercise, Functional Ability, Low Back Pain, Myogenic, Pain, Low Back Pain MyogenicAbstract
Myogenic low back pain is a condition where lower back pain occurs due to excessive and prolonged activity. Myogenic LBP is a disease that usually presents with signs of pain in the back and patients who experience it can result in decreased functional ability. The aim of this research is to ensure that core stability exercise can help myogenic LBP patients, reduce pain in sufferers and improve function. The research was conducted using case studies and a descriptive analytical approach to determine the results of pre and post tests. The Oswestry Disabilities Index (ODI) is used to measure functional capacity, while to measure the pain suffered by patients using a visual analog scale. This research showed that the use of ODI and VAS reduced pain and increased function.
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