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About People's Economics (An Attitude and View as an Economics Student)

Tentang Ekonomi Kerakyatan ( Sebuah Sikap dan Pandangan Sebagai Mahasiswa Ekonomi )




economi, People, Student Activeness


Praise be to Allah SWT, the ruler of the entire universe who has given us His grace and guidance, enjoyment, physical and spiritual health so that we are still given the opportunity to prepare this book. Shalawat and greetings may always be poured out on the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who is a role model in every era, who broke oppression, who guided us to the path of truth, namely the path of the Islamic religion. An interesting sentence when you hear people's economics is when you hear you say what we will eat tomorrow, the economic situation is simply seen as a reference for the level of progress of a nation, that the level of poverty caused by poverty or lack of understanding regarding the use of technology and natural resources is the basic perspective in looking at a nation's economy.



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