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Negative News and Hate Speech On Prabowo – Gibran in the 2024 Presidential Election on Metro TV News

Pemberitaan Negatif dan Ujaran Kebencian Pada Prabowo – Gibran di PILPRES 2024 di Metro TV News




Hate Speech, Prabowo- Gibran, Metro TV News


Negative news and hate speech appeared in Metro TV News comment column regarding Prabowo-Gibran in the 2024 Presidential Election. Public interaction in the form of comments is an important indicator of understanding public sentiment towards political figures. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to understand the phenomenon in detail with a certain pattern analysis approach. Prabowo is running for president again and is collaborating with Gibran, President Jokowi's eldest son, who is being discussed by the public. The data obtained from this study is sourced from the Youtube Metro TV News. This study aims to analyze negative news on Prabowo–Gibran in the 2024 Presidential Election and hate speech in the comment column of Metro TV News. From the results of this study, the public view of Prabowo – Gibran is greatly influenced by negative news and hate speech on comments made on Youtube Metro TV News


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