Mobile Based Implementation of Virtual Reality in Historical Buildings Throughout Malang Raya
Implementasi Virtual Reality Pada Bangunan Sejarah Se-Malang Raya Berbasis Mobile
Virtual Reality, VR, Android, bangunan sejarahAbstract
Historical monuments are symbols of the heritage of civilizations that once existed in a given area.Indonesia is a country rich in historical monuments, including the city of Malang, which has around 20 registered temples under the management of the East Java Cultural Heritage Conservation Center (BPCB).With increasing technological advances and declining public interest in historical buildings, it is wise for the administration to provide technological amenities to enhance their appeal to the general public. This is being done to support the government's campaign to transform historical buildings into tourist and educational destinations.Therefore, a more interesting introductory medium is needed. In this case, not everyone is familiar with the historical VR building, especially those who live outside the Surabaya region, due to the long distances and lack of information about its existence. Virtual reality is an example of a technological development that allows users to interact with environments simulated by entertainment.
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