Material Product Data Processing Information – Products at CV Kema Sejahtera Based on Website
Informasi Pengolahan Data Bahan Produk – Produk di CV Kema Sejahtera Berbasis Website
Production, Information, Material, Specification, PHPAbstract
CV Kema Sejahtera is a company engaged in the assembly of various products, both electronic products and plastic breakables. In the production process in the company also requires preparation, implementation and observation in all forms of activities carried out. The electronic document management system helps companies achieve appropriate standards and automation expands the possibilities of document control system capabilities. An application is compiled that is able to provide information on the production process starting from orders, material selection and production work from start to finish. In addition, the application is also able to store data and documents regarding the production process and production documents. The admin user is able to control all data while warehouse employees only fill in the production assembly process data. So that the production process starting from the procurement and use of materials will be more planned and well organized.
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